Of course we’re not done. That would be too easy for me and this is my punishment and I’m not wearing one of those don’t bully me gay shirts so the universe doesn’t know I’m enjoying this. That’s because I’m not enjoying it.
Of the 290 contributors to Project 2025, excluding the authors who are listeed here too, 152 of them worked for Trump in his administration, his election campaigns, his attempts to overturn our democracy, or were nominated by him at some point. That is over half of them. Let’s look at the numbers with the authors. 29 of the people who wrote for Project 2025 worked for Trump either in his administration, his transition team, or his campaign. That includes both of the editors, one of whom was the lead over the whole project. What that doesn’t include is Heritage president Kevin Roberts. Except you hate to note that Roberts is connected to Vance. So if we’re counting Trump connections that’s at least 30 out of the 37 people mentioned there. Of all the names mentioned in the Mandate for Leadership, 182 are of Trump.
Of the groups that advised Project 2025, counting both the original signees to the Mandate for Leadership and the ones later added to their website, there are at least 103 employees who worked for Trump or had close ties to him. When I was determining this, I opted not to mention any White House internships which there were a decent handful of. It’s also important to note that this does not include the untold number of Teneo members who were in the Trump administration. That org claims to have had many many members in influential in Trump’s executive branch. It likely also has plenty of members trump nominated to the judiciary.
There’s this supposed truism in politics: personnel is policy. When conservatives who recognize that Trump is a disgusting person want to rationalize voting for him anyway, you might hear them say that they are voting for an administration, not a person.
If you believe that, if that is the excuse you use to make yourself feel better, then you have to answer for Project 2025. Trump may play all the politics he wants to distance himself from it because it is and ought to be unpopular. However, that does not change that the majority of the people behind it are people he placed in power. Its creators do not believe him when he distances himself. They call it politics and theatre.
The contibutors and advisors to Project 2025 have connections to all three of the 2024 GOP primary frontrunners. Trump’s VP pick JD Vance has connections to Project 2025 and the groups behind it. Congressional Republicans and Republican governors have clear connections to Project 2025.
The Heritage Foundation, Alliance Defending Freedom, the Family Research Council, Hillsdale College, Teneo, Liberty University, anything dealing with Dr. James Fucking Dobson, the NRA, Turning Point, and Moms for Liberty are all incredibly influential in the entirety of the conservative movement in the United States and they have all put their might behind Project 2025. Conservatives have done their level best to downplay the document, to call it fringe, to call its backers fringe, but they do not believe that, because they have not excised these groups and continue to allow them to hold insane levels of influence over them and their cohorts. Conservatives individuals may well be opposed to Proejct 2025. That is because the majority of humans are not awful. But noting that something is extreme does not make it fringe. It does not make unimportant. We must talk about and defend against this project because it represents the conservative movement and not merely the far-right posting racist memes on Twitter. These are powerful people who would like to again hold power over the rest of us.
The organizations and the people behind Project 2025 must be held to account. They must be questioned. They must be denounced. They must be denied power.
It’s through looking at these people that we can see even Project 2025 does not speak to all of their desires. Several of its advisors, both groups and people, desire the criminalization of being lgbt. Now Project 2025 all but explicitly calls for the criminalization of being trans. That in and of itself deserves the strongest condemnation. But those behind also would like the destruction of gay rights. When Heritage plays innocent and says Proejct 2025 doesn’t call for the end of gay marriage, if you can’t see the impish grin, you don’t know Heritage, ADF, FRC, James Dobson, or many of the other hardcore extremists behind Project 2025.
These people and groups currently feel fine putting their names behind a document that calls for enforced religious observation, increased workplace dangers for children, the destruction of public education, the deaths of pregnant women who could elsewise be saved, the criminalization of trans people, the banning of any mention of trans people in the United States, and the dismantling of the first amendment, among other horrible things I have a whole video about and people much more patient, engaging, and smarter than I have and will continue to raise the alarm about.
Regardless of whether or not Trump wins the election, this is the future conservatives at large wish for America. Until they denounce and blacklist these groups and people, we should continue to expect this extremism out of the party as a whole.
To save us from Project 2025 and its harmful puppeteers, vote Harris 2024 and vote blue right down the ticket. If there’s a race where a more progressive person can win, vote for them. If there isn’t, vote for the viable candidate who will keep these people out of power.
One other lesson from Project 2025 that I hope people take to heart: To achieve the world you want, you need power. You need it at all levels, elected, appointed, and assigned. If there are upcoming races that go unopposed from the left of center, be that the dems, dsa, greens, whoever, that is a deriliction of duty. Pay attention to your local races. If you have the skills or are willing to learn them, run for office. Run a campaign. Organize. Join local groups.
Alright. Corona out.
“Continue Alabama’s Pro-Life Legacy” | Alabama Policy Institute
“Marijuana Legalization and Expansion” | Alabama Policy Institute
“Educational Freedom” | Alabama Policy Institute
“Public Sector Unions” | Alabama Policy Institute
“Montgomery’s Non-Discrimination Ordinance is Bad for Religious Freedom, Free Speech, and Public Safety” | Alabama Policy Institute
“Justin Bogie” | The Heritage Foundation
“Supreme Court rejects challenge to Washington state ‘conversion therapy’ ban” - Lawrence Hurley | NBC News
“Marriage & Family” | Alliance Defending Freedom
“Parental Notification Policies Keep Children Safe” - Matt Sharp | Alliance Defending Freedom
“Marriage and Family Are Still the Foundation of Civilization” - Kathryn Homoki | Alliance Defending Freedom
“Are We Deaf to the Sound of Hope?” - Johannes Widmalm-Delphonse | Alliance Defending Freedom
“What Is Freedom of Speech?” - Tyson Langhofer | Alliance Defending Freedom
“Censorship Is Incompatible with a Free Society” - Grant Atkinson | Alliance Defending Freedom
“Alliance Defending Freedom” | Southern Poverty Law Center
“The Next Targets for the Group that Overturned Roe” - David D. Kirkpatrick | The New Yorker
“Ali Kilmartin” | Alliance Defending Freedom
“Erik Baptist” | LinkedIn Profile
“Matt Bowman” | Alliance Defending Freedom
“Issues 2024: Family” | American Compass
“Foreword: One Generation Away” - Oren Cass | American Compass
“Education” | American Compass
“The School of Self-Rule” - Bruno Manno & John Sailer | American Compass
“American Compass Defies The Establishment, Ignores Facts” - Norbert Michel | Forbes
“Duncan Braid” | Hillsdale College
“The Real Problem with Gay Conversion Therapy” - Carmel Richardson | The American Conservative
“Is the GOP the Party of Normal, or Is It Punk Rock?” - Bradley Devlin | The American Conservative
“Crybullies Sue Christian Colleges” - Rob Dreher | The American Conservative
“America First Legal, a Trump-Aligned Group, Is Spoiling for a Fight” - Robert Draper | The New York Times
“About” | America First Legal
“Kalpana Kotagal” | American Accountability Foundation
“Pamela Karlan” | American Accountability Foundation
“Julie Su” - BidenNoms | American Accountability Foundation
“The Slime Machine Targeting Dozens of Biden Nominees” - Jane Mayer | The New Yorker
“Conservative nonprofit didn’t disclose some political spending, filings show” - Hailey Fuchs | Politico
“Disturbing and Shocking Moments at the DNC” - Jordan Sekulow | American Center for Law and Justice
“POMPEO: Biden Has Weaponized the EPA - It Should Be Dissolved” - Mike Pompeo | American Center for Law and Justice
“The Deliberate Effort to Poison the US Military by Mandating Progressive, Marxist Ideologies Must End” - Harry G. Hutchison | American Center for Law and Justice
“Right-Wing Legal Crusades Have Made This Ex-Trump Lawyer Super Rich” - Andrew Perez | Rolling Stone
“The Legal Arm of the Christian Right” - Brian Tashman | Policial Research Associates
“Questions Raised About Charities Involving President Trump’s Lawyer” - Jim Zarroli | NPR
“Dangerous Liasons” - Heidi Beirich | Southern Poverty Law Center
“Trump’s legal team elevates Andrew Ekonomou, little-known Atlanta attorney” - Adam Edelman | NBC News
“James Rockas” | LinkedIn Profile
“Staff” | American Center for Law and Justice
“The LGBTQI+ Agenda is Harming the Foster Care System” | American Cornerstone Institute
“The Dangers of Policial Prosecutions” | American Cornerstone Institute
“The American family needs saving” - Ben Carson | The Washington Examiner
“Accreditation: A Call to Action for College Trustees” | American Council of Trustees and Alumni
“Is Majoring in English Worth It?” - William McGurn | Wall Street Journal, via American Council of Trustees and Alumni
“Guest Column: A threat to liberty in higher education” - Dr. Donald W. Sweeting & Dr. Michael Poliakoff | Colorado Springs Gazette, via American Council of Trustees and Alumni
“Workforce Development” | American Legislative Exchange Council
“Gabriella Uli” | American Legislative Exchange Council
“Alex Hinson” | American Legislative Exchange Council
“I Helped Write Project 2025’s Policies. Let’s Set the Record Straight | Opinion” - Jeffrey H. Anderson | Newsweek
“Analysis” | American Main Street Initiative
“1776 Report” - The President’s Advisory 1776 Commission | Trump White House
“The Brash Group of Young Conservatives Getting Ready for the Next Trump Administration” - Ian Ward | Politico
“Top 25 Threats to the American Family” | American Principles Project
“Petition: Show Your Support for Banning Drag Shows for Minors | American Principles Project
“Petition: Thank You Governor DeSantis for Protecting Kids” | American Principles Project
“Frank Cannon” | American Principles Project
“Anthony LaBruna” | American Principles Project
“CEO Joins Heritage Foundation 2025 Presidential Transition Project” - Devon Westhill | Center for Equal Opportunity
“Staff” | Center for Equal Opportunity
“Poor Countries Defend Family from Attacks by Rich North” - Stegano Gennarini | Center for Family & Human Rights
“Western Countries Push Hard on Trans/Homosexual Issues at High-Level Forum” - Stegano Gennarini | Center for Family & Human Rights
“Countries Praise Russia’s Pro-Family Policies at Human Rights Forum” - Rebecca Oas | Center for Family & Human Rights
“Biden Admin Moves to Decriminalize Prostitution” - Lisa Correnti | American Center for Family & Human Rights
“It’s Time for an Immigration Moratorium” - Jason Richwine | Thomas D. Klingenstein, via Center for Immigration Studies
“Julie Axelrod” | LinkedIn Profile
“Jon Feere” | Center for Immigration Studies
“George Fishman” | Center for Immigration Studies
“Elizabeth Jacobs” | Center for Immigration Studies
“Ronald W. Mortensen” | Center for Immigration Studies
“William W. Chip” | Center for Immigration Studies
“Policy Brief: Biden’s Equity Executive Order Further Destroys and Divides America” - Jeff Clark | Center for Renewing America
“Motte and Bailey: Dishonest Postmodernist Strategy” - Michael Young | Center for Renewing America
“Combating Obscenity on the Internet: A Legal and Legislative Path Forward” | Center for Renewing America
“Adam Candeub” | Center for Renewing America
“Rachel Cauley” | Center for Renewing America
“Jeff Clark” | Center for Renewing America
“Ken Cuccinelli” | Center for Renewing America
“Ashlea Frazier” | Center for Renewing America
“Paige Hauser” | Center for Renewing America
“Dan Kowalski” | Center for Renewing America
“Micah Meadowcroft” | Center for Renewing America
“Mark Paoletta” | Center for Renewing America
“Kingsley Wilson” | Center for Renewing America
“Conservatives vs. the Cult of the Self” - Glenn Ellmers | Modern Age
“Go Fourth!” - James Poulos | The American Mind
“The Claremont Institute: The Anti-Democracy Think Tank” - Katherine Stewart | The New Republic
“Revealed: US conservative thinktank’s links to extremist fraternal order” - Jason Wilson | The Guardian
“The Conservatives Dreading–And Preparing for–Civil War” - Emma Green | The Atlantic
“Attorney John Eastman surrenders on charges in Trump’s Georgia 2020 election subversion case” - Kate Brumback | The Associated Press
“Washington Post: Trump lawyer John Eastman blamed Pence for January 6 violence by refusing to block 2020 election certification” - Veronica Stracqualursi | CNN
“Theo Wold” | National Conservatism
“Renewable Energy” | Coalition for a Prosperous America
“Dan Dimico” | Coalition for a Prosperous America
“Greg Autry” | Coalition for a Prosperous America
“Stephen Vaughn” | Coalition for a Prosperous America
“How Newt Gingrich Laid the Groundwork for Congressional Staff Unionizing” - Sean Higgins | Competitive Enterprise Institute
“Philip Howard’s Not Accountable Focuses on Reform of Public Sector Unions” - Sean Higgins | Competitive Enterprise Institute
“CEI Joins Coalition Opposing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act” - Sean Higgins | Competitive Enterprise Institute
“Dan Greenberg” | Competitive Enterprise Institute
“David McFadden” | Competitive Enterprise Institute
“Joel Zinberg” | Competitive Enterprise Institute
“Travis Burk” | Competitive Enterprise Institute
“The RIght’s Partners in Weaponized Policymaking” - Chris Lewis & Toni Aguilar Rosenthal | The Nation
“Pro-Trump Nonprofit Paid Millions to Companies Tied to Its Own Leaders” - David A. Fahrenthold | The New York Times
“CPI Network & Partners” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Get Smart About What Really Happened in the 2020 Election” - J. Christian Adams | Election Integrity Network, via Conservative Partnership Institute
“The Georgia Recrod: Irrefutable Evidence of Electronic Manipulation in Fulton County’s 2020 Results” | Election Integrity Network, via Conservative Partnership Institute
“Nancy Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Committee is a National Embarrassment” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Demint: Life Finds a Way” - Jim Demint | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Compass: Senate Respect for Marriage Act Threatens Religious Liberty” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Compass: Will 12 GOP Senators Continue to Help Pass the Respect for Marriage Act?” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Jim DeMint” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Mark Meadows” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Ed Corrigan” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Cleta Mitchell” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Wesley Denton” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Hugh Fike” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Babs Hough” | Conservative Partnership Institute
“Heartbreak in Chicago” | Concerned Women for America
“Women’s Rights Protected from Biden-Harris Title IX Rewrite” | Concerned Women for America
“Congress Aims to Keep Children Safe Online” - Maggie McKneely | Concerned Women for America
“Trump Trial Decision: ‘A Sham and Shameful’” | Concerned Women for America
“SCOTUS Decision on Abortion Drug Allows FDA to Put Women’s Lives at Risk” | Concerned Women for America
“11 Ways You Can Fight the Homosexual Agenda” - Peter LaBarbera | Concerned Women for America
“Penny Nance” | Concerned Women for America
“Give parents this simple solution to take back their rights in education” - Robert S. Eitel | Fox News
“Pills and Pronouns” - Angela Morabito | Defense of Freedom Institute
“Postsecondary Education: Workforce Development” | Defense of Freedom Institute
“Civil and Constitutional Rights: Religious Liberty” | Defense of Freedom Institute
“About” | Defense of Freedom Institute
“Home Page” | Ethics & Public Policy Center
“Why is a ‘Transgender’ Identity Even Plausible?” - Mary Rice Hasson | The Catholic World Report, via Ethics & Public Policy Center
“Is porn the new normal?” - Brad Littlejohn | WORLD Opinions, via Ethics & Publics Policy Center
“Cozying up with the world” - Carl R. Trueman | WORLD Opinions, via Ethics & Public Policy Center
“Tenth Anniversary of Robin William’s Death is a Reminder of Abortion Sorrow” - Mary Fiorito | Cincinnati Right to Life, via Ethics & Public Policy Center
“Healthcare” | Family Policy Alliance
“Religious Freedom in Business” | Family Policy Alliance
“Transgenderism & Gender Dysphoria” | Family Policy Alliance
“Sexual Orientation” | Family Policy Alliance
“New details emerge on Trump transition organization” - Tony Romm | Politico
“Meg Kilgannon” | Family Research Council
“Oklahoma Says It’s ‘OK’ to Teach the Bible in Public Schools” - Logan Tantibanchachai | First Liberty Institute
“Kamala Harris Supported Legislation That Threatened Religious Freedom” - Jorge Gomez | First Liberty Institute
“What Trump’s Guilty Verdict Means for the Rule of Law” - Jorge Gomez | First Liberty Institute
“NFL Kicker Harrison Butker Should be Celebrated, Not Canceled, for Expressing His Religious Views” - Mia Gradick | First Liberty Institute
“Changing the Game” | Forge Leadership Network
“040: ‘Why Social Issues (Still) Matter’ with Joseph Backholm” | Forge Leadership Podcast
“Iran-backed Hamas Brutally Attacks Israel” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“Will This Billionaire-Funded Think Tank Get Its War With Iran?” - James Carden | The Nation
“Conservative Think Tank Tweets, Quickly Deletes Conspiracy Theory About Ilhan Omar” - Colin Kalmbacher | Law & Crime
“Bonnie Glick” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“Matt Pottinger” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“Anthony Ruggiero” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“John Demers” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“Karen Evans” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“Charles Kupperman” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“Brent Park” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“Kenneth Rapuano” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“Samantha Ravich” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“The Biden Administration and Financial Corporations Are Waging War on Vital American Industries, but States Can Fight Back” - Trevor Carlsen | Foundation for Government Accountability
“How States Can Empower Families and Make It Easier for Teenagers to Find Their First Job” - Liesel Crocker | Foundation for Government Accountability
“Brian Blase” | Foundation for Government Accountability
“Trevor Carlsen” | Foundation for Government Accountability
“Paige Terryberry” | Foundation for Government Accountability
“FreedomWorks Is Closing – And Blaming Trump” Luke Mullins | Politico
“FreedomWorks has a radical rebrand in mind – from tea part to tolerance” - Hailey Fuchs | Politco
“Matt Maraist” | FreedomWorks, via the Wayback Mahine
“State Department Pushes ‘Conversion Therapy’” - Simon Hankinson & Grace Melton | The Heritage Foundation
“As the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Turns 30, the ‘Most Precious of All American Liberties’ Is Again at Risk” - Thomas Jipping | The Heritage Foundation
“U.N. Report Castigates Religion for Stymieing the Sexual Orientation-Gender Identity Agenda” - Grace Melton & Jay W. Richards | The Heritage Foundation
“Young Children Are Being Targeted With Sexual Content. The Equality Act Would Make It Worse.” - Jared Eckert & Makenna McCoy | The Heritage Foundation
“The Fall of the Heritage Foundation and the Death of Republican Ideas” - Molly Ball | The Atlantic
“Dan Mauler” | The Heritage Foundation
“Roger Severino” | The Heritage Foundation
“Mary G. Vought” | The Heritage Foundation
“Robert Greenway” | The Heritage Foundation
“Mike Howell” | The Heritage Foundation
“Nina Owcharenko Schaefer” | The Heritage Foundation
“Paul J. Ray” | The Heritage Foundation
“Lora Ries” | The Heritage Foundation
“Steven G. Bradbury” | The Heritage Foundation
“Victoria Coates” | The Heritage Foundation
“Thomas Dans” | The Heritage Foundation
“Steven Groves” | The Heritage Foundation
“Mario Loyola” | The Heritage Foundation
“Max Primorac” | The Heritage Foundation
“Hans A. von Spakovsky” | The Heritage Foundation
“Erin Walsh” | The Heritage Foundation
“Kyle Brosnon” | The Heritage Foundation
“Spencer Chretien” | The Heritage Foundation
“Kay Coles James” | The Heritage Foundation
“Mike Pence to Speak at College That Urged the ‘Destruction of Same-Sex Marriage’” - Charlotte Clymer | The Human Rights Campaign
“The College That Wants to Take Over Washington” - Alive Lloyd | Politico
“How a Conservative Christian College Got Mixed Up in the 2020 Election Plot” - Danny Hakim | The New York Times
“Two students accuse Hillsdale College of retaliating against them after they reported sexual assaults” - Corky Siemaszko | NBC News
“Sexual Assault Lawsuit Threatens Hillsdale’s Title IX Exemption” - Elizabeth Troutman | The Collegian
“This conservative group helped push a disputed election theory” - Hansi Lo Wang | NPR
“The Big Money Behind the Big Lie” - Jane Mayer | The New Yorker
“Revealed: conservative group fighting to restrict voting tied to powerful dark money network” - Sam Levine & Anna Massoglia | The Guardian
“Current State of Laws Governing Gender Transition” - Madeleine Kearns | Independent Women’s Forum
“Gun Control Doesn’t Keep Us Safer” - Laura Carno | Independent Women’s Forum
“Equal Rights Amendment” - Inez Feltscher | Independent Women’s Forum
“Pre-Existing Conditions” - Hadley Heath Manning | Independent Women’s Forum
“Board of Directors” | Independent Women’s Forum
“Ellie Cohanim” | Independent Women’s Forum
“Laura Cunliffe” | Independent Women’s Forum
“Brianna Howard” | Independent Women’s Forum
“May Mailman” | Independent Women’s Forum
“Mary Vought” | Independent Women’s Forum
“Thirty-two Hour Workweek Act” | Institute for the American Worker
“F. Vincent Vernuccio” | Institute for the American Worker
“Matthew Mimnaugh” | Institute for the American Worker
“James Sherk” | Institute for the American Worker
“Maxford Nelsen” | Institute for the American Worker
“Could Minnesota’s Walz Be More ‘Green’ Then California’s Newsom?” | Institute for Energy Research
“Broken Windmill Blade Closes Nantucket Beaches” | Institute for Energy Research
“Koch-Funded Climate Contrarians Make Mischief on Capitol Hill” - Elliott Negin | Huffpost
“Revealed: The Trump Administration’s Energy Plan” - Nick Surgey | PR Watch
“The Institute for Women’s Health Commemorates the Third Anniversary of the Geneva Consensus Declaration on Capitol Hill” | The Institute for Women’s Health
“Four pillars are critical to a woman’s overall health. Here’s the one we neglect…” - Valerie Huber | Fox News, via The Institute for Women’s Health
“Abortion Is Not Health Care, Anywhere” - Valerie Huber | TownHall, via The Institute for Women’s Health
“Team Leaders” | The Institute for Women’s Health
“About Us” | Intercollegiate Studies Institute
“Education Next: DeSantis Defends Values While Expanding Choice to De-Escalate the Stakes” - William Mattox | James Madison Institute
“The Washington Times: Under Ruse of Protecting Kids, Congress Tries to Join the Global Censorship Regime” - Dr. Edward Longe | James Madison Institute
“About Us” | Leadership Institute
“Campus Refrom” | Campus Reform
“Brent Lowder” | Leadership Institute
“John Koons” | Leadership Institute
“The Liberty Way” - Liberty University
“Liberty University fined $14 million for federal crime reporting violations” - Elissa Nadworny | NPR
“A Gay Man Says He Was Tormented at Liberty University. Now He’s Suing” - Lucas Wilson | Advocate
“Model Education Code” | National Association of Scholars
“Campus Intellectual Diversity Act” | National Association of Scholars
“Model Education Licensure Code” | National Association of Scholars
“Staff Boards” | National Association of Scholars
“Why was a leading disability organization denied access to the RNC?” - Sara Luterman | The 19th
“Best Buy offers to screen LGBTQ nonprofit donations after conservative pressure, filing shows” - Matt Lavietes & Brooke Sopelsa | NBC News
“Target Executives Have Disqualified Themselves by Supporting Organization that Push Radical Gender Ideology on Childre” | National Center for Public Policy Research
“Bluepring for A Better Deal for Black America” | National Center for Public Policy Research
“Steve Milloy” | National Center for Public Policy Research
“Derrick Hollie”” | National Center for Public Policy Research
“Michael Austin” | National Center for Public Policy Research
“Terris Todd” | National Center for Public Policy Research
“Eli Lilly Charity Finances Groups that Oppose Insulin Price Caps Under the Auspices of ‘Community Development’” - Lee Fang | The Intercept
“Public Employee Unions Are Obstacle to Urban Progress” | Pacific Research Institute
“People: Lance T. Izumi, J.D.” | Pacific Research Institute
“Report: Former classmates say Rep. Madison Cawthorn sexually harassed women in college” - Katelyn Burns | Vox
“Sexual Assault at God’s Haravrd” - Kiera Feldman | The New Republic
“Statement of Biblical Worldview” | Patrick Henry College
“Student Handbook” | Patrick Henry College
“Leadership” | Patrick Henry College
“Christian Conservative Lawyer Had Secretive Role in Bid to Block Election Result” - Eric Lipton & Mark Walker | The New York Times
“Legal Defense” | Personnel Policy Operations
“Personnel Policy Operations” | LinkedIn Profile
“Troup Calhoun Hemenway” | Hillsdale College
“Joshua Whitehouse” | The American Conservative
“Enabling or Helping?” | Recovery for America Now Foundation
“Recovery for America Now Foundation” | Twitter profile
“Dr. Art Kleinschmidt” | Recovery for America Now Foundation
“Katie Sullivan” | Recovery for America Now Foundation
“Joe Grogan” | Recovery for America Now Foundation
“Kayla Tonnessen” | Recovery for America Now Foundation
“Jaun Caro” | Recovery for America Now Foundation
“About” | 1792 Exchange
“1-800-Flowers” | 1792 Exchange
“Zillow” | 1792 Exchange
“Abortion Drugs At The Supreme Court” | Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
“Democrat Abortion Extremism on Display: So-Called ‘Equality Act’ Would Expand Abortion on Demand” | Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
“About” | Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America
“The 2020 Election Aftermath Is Not At All Unprecedented In U.S. History” - Chuck DeVore | The Federalist, via Texas Public Policy Foundation
“Inflation, Gas Prices, Drag Queens And Biden’s Sinking Poll Numbers” - Sherry Sylvester | The Daily Caller, via Texas Public Policy Foundation
“The Politics Behind Gender Modification” - Sherry Sylvester | Texas Public Policy Foundation
“‘Semon on the Mound’ Shows Need for TEA Curriculum” - Sherry Sylvester | Texas Public Policy Foundation
“Testimony: Senate Bill 417” - Zach Whiting | Texas Public Policy Foundation
“Josh Findlay” | Texas Public Policy Foundation
“Melissa Ford Maldonado” | Texas Public Policy Foundation
“Board” | Texas Public Policy Foundation
“The Honorable Brooke L. Rollins” | America First Policy Institute
“In Private Speech, J.D. Vance Said the ‘Devil Is Real’ and Praised Alex Jones as a Truth-Teller” - Andy Kroll & Nick Surgey | ProPublica
“Teneo community vision document” | ProPublica
“Inside the ‘Prive and Confidential’ Conservative Group That Promises to ‘Crush Liberal Dominance’” - Andy Kroll, Andrea Bernstein, Nick Surgey | ProPublica
“Join YAF to Block the Biden Admin’s Radical Title IX Rule at Your School” - Spencer Brown | Young America’s Foundation
“Georgetown Celebrates Pride, Undermining Catholic Doctrine” - Bridget Lucas | Young America’s Foundation
“Raising Leftist Flags, Brainwashing Childre: Here’s How State Education Departments Are Celebrating ‘Pride Month’” - Nick Baker | Young America’s Foundation
“Chancellor Fired For Pornography at UW-La Crosse Still Has a Job – For Now” - Nick Baker | Young America’s Foundation
“About” | ACLJ Action
“Board of Advisors” | The American Family Project
“Board of Director” | The American Family Project
“About Us” | AMAC Action
“Ashley Baker” | Committee for Justice
“Our Team” | The Conservative Caucus
“Minority Coalition” | Fairer America
“Evan Swarztraube” | Foundation for American Innovation
“Roslyn Layton” | Foundation for American Innovation
“Satya Thallam” | Foundation for American Innovation
“Michael Kratsios” | Foundation for American Innovation
“National” | High School Republican National Federation
“Mary Thomas” | Job Creators Network
“Our Founder” | League of American Workers
“Vance Ginn” | Mississippi Center for Public Policy
“Team” | Public Interest Legal
“Richard Grenell” | Turning Point USA
“Sebastian Gorka” | Turning Point USA
“Mike Lindell” | Turning Point USA
“Inside the Heritage Foundation’s Plans for ‘Institutionalizing Trumpism’” - Lulu Garcia-Navarro | The New York Times
“I Read Project 2025 Head Kevin Roberts’ Book–and Was Terrified by It” | The Daily Beast
“Voters Have a Right to Know What Kevin Roberts’s Disturbing Books Says” - Colin Dickey | The New Republic
“Project 2025 head says ‘second American Revolution’ will be ‘bloodless if the left allows’” - Rachel Barber | USA Today
“Project 2025 director steps down amid backlash from Trump” - Steve Contorno & Kristen Holmes | CNN
“The Man Behind Project 2025’s Most Radical Plans” - Alec MacGillis | ProPublica
“Renewing Labor” - Jonathan Berry | First Things
“Age Verification for Porn Sites is Constitutional–and Necessary” - Adam Candeub, Clare Morell, & Michael Toscano | Institute for Family Studies
“The Project 2025 Refugee Who Slid Into Your Socials” - Hafiz Rashid | The New Republic
“Carson says he ‘would love to see’ nationwide abortion ban but now it’s up to states” - Geoff Bennett & Juliet Fuisz | PBS
“Judge Says Ken Cuccinelli Was Appointed Unlawfully To Top Immigration Post” - James Doubek | NPR
“Trump hints at possible picks for Pentagon chief in a second term” - Lara Seligman | Politico
“Ex-Trump Administration Officials Involved in Project 2025: Full List” - Flynn Nicholls | Newsweek
“Ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro begins serving prison sentence after historic contempt prosecution” - Tierney Sneed & Katelyn Polantz | CNN
“Ex-Trump adviser Peter Navarro, just released from prison, gets roaring applause at RNC” - Jill Colvin & Thomas Beaumont | The Associated Press
“Transgender Health Protections Reversed By Trump Administration” - Selena Simmons-Duffing | NPR
“The man who cries voter fraud: how Hans von Spakovsky has built a career peddling election security fears” - Alice Herman | The Guardian
“Hidden-camera video shows Project 2025 co-author discussing his secret work preparing for a second Trump term” - Curt Devine, Casey Tolan, Audrey Ash, & Kyung Lah | CNN
“Chris Anderson” | LinkedIn Profile
“Mask-Wearers Are Poisoning Themselves” - Jeff Anderson | The American Conservative
“Michael Anton” | Hillsdale College
“How College Wrecked Productivity and How To Fix It” - EJ Antoni & Keri D. Ingraham | The Heritage Foundation
“Andrew R. Arthur” | Center for Immigration Studies
College Republicans of America Twitter page
“James Baehr” | America First Policy Institute
“Russell Berman” | Hoover Institution
“Stephen Billy” | LinkedIn Profile
“Brad Bishop” | LinkedIn Profile
“About” | Classical Conversations
“Robert B. Bowes” | ProPublica
“Jonathan Bronitsky” | ATHOS
“Adm. Mark Buzby Nominated as Next Maritime Administrator” | The Maritime Executive
“David J. Byrd” | U.S. Department of Commerce
“Anthony Campau” | LinkedIn
“New details emerge on Trump transition organization” - Tony Romm | Politico
“Brian J. Cavanaugh” | The Heritage Foundation
“Ezra Cohen” | U.S. Department of Defense
“Elbridge Colby” | The Marathon Initiative
“Earl Comstock” | LinkedIn Profile
“Monica Crowley” | The Nixon Seminar
“Defense chief appoints three senior officials” - Rebecca Kheel | The Hill
“Irv Dennis” | AmeriCorps
“David R. Dorey” | The Federalist Society
“Max Eden” | American Enterprise Instistute
“Troy D. Edgar” | U.S. Department of Homeland Security
“Joe Edlow” | The Heritage Foundation
“Jennifer Ehlinger” | ProPublica
“Kristen Eichamer” | LinkedIn Profile
“About” | ParentalRights.org
“Leslie Ford” | The Heritage Foundation
“Directors” | Federal Policy Group
“Joel Frushone” | LinkedIn Profile
“Finch Fulton” | ProPublica
“Caleigh Gabel” | LinkedIn Profile
“Alexandra Gaiser” | The Federalist Society
“James S. Gilmore” | Council of American Ambassadors
“The Food and Drug Administration has Failed in Its Public Health Mission” | Antidote Europe
“Combat Veteran, Intelligence Expert Robert Greenway Joins Heritage’s Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy” | The Heritage Foundation
“Rachel Greszler” | The Heritage Foundation
“DJ Gribbin” | LinkedIn
“2020 Speechwriters Fellows” | Claremont Institute
“Joseph Grogan, JD” | University of Southern California Schaeffer
“Andrew Guernsey” | Hillsdale College
“Jeffrey R. Gunter” | Council of American Ambassadors
“Rep. Brandon Williams replaces top staffer with son of former Syracuse councilor” - Mark Weiner | Advance Media New York, Syracuse
“Former Trump campaign co-chair Joseph Guzman running for Secretary of State” - Lauren Gibbons | MLive
“Amalia Halikias” | The Club for Growth Foundation
“Conservatives gear up for EPA revamp in 2025” - Kevin Borgadus | Politico
“Trump’s top Middle East aide ousted” - Eliana Johnson | Politico
“Who is Pete Hoekstra? Meet the Trump ambassador in fight for Michigan GOP” - Jonathan Oosting | Bridge Michigan
“Statement from Secretary Kelly on the President’s Appointment of Thomas D. Homan as Acting ICE Director” | Department of Homeland Security
“Rise from one-time Uber driver to chief of staff startles some HUD observers” - Rene Marsh | CNN
“Melanie Israel” | The Heritage Foundation
“Roman Jankowski” | ProPublica
“President Trump Announces Support from Over 150 Elected and Grassroots Leaders Across All 99 Counties in Iowa” | Donald J. Trump
“Jared Kelson” | Borden Gray PLLC
“Julie Kirchner” | Federation for American Immigration Reform
“Ken Klukowski” | GLAAD
“Adam Korzeniewski” | Club for Growth Foundation
“Kathy Nuebel Kovarik” | LinkedIn Profile
“ODNI Names Matthew Kozma as IC CIO; John Ratcliffe Quoted” - Sarah Sybert | Executive Gov
“David LaCerte” | Baker Botts
“James R. Lawrence, III” | Envisage Law
“Paul Lawrence” | LinkedIn Profile
“Nathan Leamer” | LinkedIn Profile
“Longtime Climate Science Denier Hired At NOAA” - Rebecca Hersher & Joe Palca | NPR
“John Laird Ligon” | ProPublica
“Evelyn Lim” | LinkedIn Profile
“Earl G. Matthews” | The Vandenberg Coalition
“We worked for Dr. Ben Carson. We know Dr. Ben Carson. Canceling him is just not right.” - Andrew Hughes | Fox News
“Trent McCotter” | LinkedIn Profile
“Kevin Edward Moley” | U.S. Department of State
“Mark Morgan” | The Heritage Foundation
“Hunter Morgen” | Ballard Partners
“Rachel N. Morrison” | Ethics & Public Policy Center
“Lucian Niemeyer” | U.S. Department of Defense
“Nazak Nikakhtar” | U.S. Department of Commerce
“Dr. Milan Nikolich” | U.S. Department of Defense
“With Push From Trump, Senate Moves to Install Contentious Filmmaker at U.S. Media Agency” - Catie Edmonson & Edward Wong | The New York Times
“Leah Pedersen” | LinkedIn Profile
“Biography of Deputy Secretary of Labor Patrick Pizzella” | U.S. Department of Labor
“Christopher Porter” | Auburn University
“Kevin Preskenis” | LinkedIn Profile
“Pamela D. Pryor” | U.S. Department of State
“Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe Joins AGS as Senior Advisor” | American Global Strategies
“R. Jordan Richardson” | Heise Suarez Melville
“Wednesday’s Protests Are Primed to Turn More Trump Supporters Into Dangerous Extremists” - Ali Breland | Mother Jones
“Mark R. Robeck” | U.S. Department of Energy
“William Ruger” | American Institute for Economic Research
“Austin Ruse” | GLAAD
“Jon Sanders” | John Locke Foundation
“About Carla” | Carlasands.com
“Robby Stephany (Smith) Saunders” | LinkedIn Profile
“POLITICO Playbook: Loose lips about sinking ships” - Eli Okun | Politico
“Justin Schwab” | The Federalist Society
“Darin Selnick” | ProPublica
“Controversial Fed nominee Shelton stalls in Senate test vote” - Andrews Taylor & Christopher Rugaber | The Associated Press
“Nathan Simington” | Federal Communications Commission
“Loren Smith” | LinkedIn Profile
“Adrienne Spero” | Foundation for Defense of Democracies
“The Trump Appointee Behind the Move to Add a Citizenship Question to the Census” - Justin Elliott | ProPublica
“Paula Stannard” | LinkedIn Profile
“Parker Stathatos” | LinkedIn
“William Steiger” | U.S. Agency for International Development
“Bio: Kenny Stein” | congress.gov
“Corey Stewart” | LinkedIn Profile
“Alleged blacklist ‘Vino Vixen’ out at State” - Michelle Kosinski | CNN
“Senior Trump officials, including ‘Vino Vixen,’ harassed, abused, retaliated against career State Dept. employees: IG report” - Conor Finnegan | ABC News
“Brett Swearingen” | LinkedIn Profile
“FCC Commissioner Simington Appoints Advisors and Other Aides” | Benton Institute for Broadband & Society
“Robert Swope” | LinkedIn Profile
“Aaron Szabo” | LinkedIn Profile
“Katy Talento” | LinkedIn Profile
“Anthony J. Tata” | U.S. Department of Defense
“Farnaz Farkish T.” | LinkedIn Profile
“Tevi Troy” | LinkedIn Profile
“Clayton Tufts” | LinkedIn Profile
“Erin Valdez” | LinkedIn Profile
“Mark Vandross” | LinkedIn Profile
“Morgan Lorraine Vina” | LinkedIn Profile
“Jonathan Wolfson” | LinkedIn Profile
“Alexei Woltornist” | LinkedIn Profile
“Former talk radio host who pushed conspiracy theories hired by US global media agency” - Jennifer Hansler | CNN
“Cesar I. Ybarr” | LinkedIn Profile
“Stephen Miller ally expected to join Ken Cuccinelli at USCIS” - Ted Hesson & Anita Kumar | Politico